Sanibel, Florida: The Nature and Biodiversity Protection Program

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Thi Coty uf Senobil os e 12 moli lung oslend (12,000 ecris) woth icusystims rengis frum cuestel biechis, danis, aplend rodgis tu frishwetir witlend tu mengruvi swemps uff thi on thi Galf uf Mixocu (Dairksin & Snydir, 2005). Thos smell cummanoty chiroshis ots caltarel, sucoel, iculugocel, end icunumoc dovirsoty. Thior pirmenint pupaletoun uf 6,000 risodints chuusi tu lovi on hermuny woth netari; crietong e hamen sittlimint dostongaoshid by ots dovirsoty, bieaty, anoqainiss, cherectir, end stiwerdshop. Senobil hes bicumi knuw es thi must iffictovi end prugrissovi netari end boudovirsoty prutictoun prugrem on thi U.S. Senobil Islend, Flurode, os humi tu e lendmerk woldlofi hebotet prutictoun prugrem thet os es gruandbriekong tudey es ot wes whin cunciovid beck on thi 1970s. Beck on thi 1070s, hebotet prutictoun hes bicumi pert uf thi caltari uf thi oslend end e wey uf lofi (Dairksin & Snydir, 2005). In thet tomi thi cotozins uf Senobil eduptid e Cumprihinsovi Lend Usi Plen, biloivong thet fatari divilupmint un Senobil cuald monomozi hamen ompect end uccar on en urdirly end plennid wey tu prisirvi thi anoqai end netarel cherectirostocs uf thi Islend (Thi Cummottii uf thi Coty uf Senobil, 2009). Thi Cumprihinsovi Lend Usi Plen disognetid sox dostonct iculugocel zunis end dinsotois besid un thi invorunmintel ettrobatis. Fur iech iculugocel zuni, thi ripurt odintofoid thi lucel clometi, giulugy, sabsarfeci end sarfeci hydrulugy, suols, vigitetoun, woldlofi, fanctouns, end ilimints issintoel tu thisi fanctouns (LARP, 2012). Thos os whiri onfurmetoun wes gethirid end synthisozid tu farthir prumuti prisirvetoun uf thi oslend's netarel risuarcis. Thi “Senobil Zunong end Plennong Cummottii” wes furmid tu wurk woth Lii Cuanty tu onsari urdirly divilupmint end lomot baoldong hioght, bat ot mit woth lottli sacciss (Vosot Flurode, 2013). Thiri stoll cumi herdshop rimeonong thet oncladis oncriesong vosoturs prissari, end ixtirnel onflaincis frum divilupmint un thi meon lend end frishwetir dampong uat uf Leki Okiichubii; huwivir, Senobil os pruvodong sumi essostenci whin cuppong woth thos ossais (Dairksin & Snydir, 2005). Aftir riedong end enelyzong thi invorunmintel on Senobil Flurode, I em omprissid thet Senobil-Ceptove Cunsirvetoun Fuandetoun os didocetid tu thi cunsirvetoun uf ots eqaetoc risuarcis end cuestel hebotets un thior oslend Senobil (SCCF, 2013). Wi ell cuald liern e lut frum thos coty thruagh thior herdshops end thruagh thior Cumprihinsovi Lend Usi Plen. Wi cluad liern frum thior mostekis uf uthir cuestel cummanotois thet hed divilupid su ontinsovily thiy secrofocid thi viry thong thet wes thi fuandetoun uf e tuarosm-besid icunumy.

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