Persuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage

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In April 1, 2001 Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage now it is legal in 32 states. Same-sex couples or what most people know them as “gay people”; have tried to get married since the 70’s, which to this day it is banned in 12 states. It is 2014 and yet nothing has really changed everyone still gets judged and mistreated for their race, height, weight, religion, and sexuality. In other words, EVERYTHING simply because they are different and there is really nothing wrong with that because being different only means special or unique in everyones own way. Just like Kurt Cobain says, “They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same” Meaning that being different is good because being like everyone else is boring and there is really no way in being normal or perfect. Same-sex couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples like a public traditional, religious wedding. I …show more content…

In the Bible it says you cannot marry of affiliate with someone of the same gender because marriage is a religious right between one man and a women. They also say that in the bible Jesus buried down a whole city for being same-sex couples. Allowing gay couples to wed will further weaken the institution of marriage Gay marriage may lead to more children being raised in same-sex households which are not optimum environment because children need both a mother and a father. They always have reason to not support gay marriage like people should no have their tax dollars used to support something thy believe is wrong. There is a lot of reason why people do not support gay marriage but there are also a lot of people for it even people who are not

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