Salutary Neglect

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The early 15th century marks a period in global history known as the Age Of Exploration, during which there was a scramble amongst European nations to explore, settle, and control the corners of the world. It was during this period that the British began to colonize the Americas, and, by the early 1700s, just a couple hundred years later, there were an estimated 250,900 people living in the American colonies. As the colonies grew more autonomous and a number of political issues developed in Britain, the British government began neglect their control of the day-to-day function of the colonies, the result of which was that between the years of about 1690 to 1763, the British employed a policy towards the American colonies known as salutary neglect. The concept of salutary neglect is essentially the idea that Britain was not controlling the day-to-day function of the colonies, which, in turn, allowed America’s commerce, legislation, and religion to develop independent of affected British influence. As a result of the unfettered discretion that salutary neglect gave the colonies, they were able to adopt those British policies and ideals which suited them best, while also making amendments to those which did not suit the idiosyncratic political, commercial, and religious climate in the colonies. In this way, Britain’s policy of salutary neglect towards the American colonies allowed them to develop a distinctive political, commercial, and religious culture that was reflective of both their tendency to model aspects of their society after Britain, as well as their growing independence from their mother country.

The disposition of the British colonies to model elements of their society after England while adapting it to suit the need...

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Ultimately, the British policy of salutary neglect towards the American colonies resulted in settlements that, while modeled after the British, were independent to the point where they began to define themselves as something entirely seceded from their mother country. Following the French and Indian War, when the British came to realize how independent the colonies had become, and the period of salutary neglect came to an end, the American settlers had already come to define themselves as something so entirely different from British that they simply could not go back to a system of direct rule. It was this inability for the British and the colonies to cooperate and maintain the hierarchical order between mother country and colony, which instilled such a great sense of independence in the American colonies that it eventually led to the American Revolution.

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