Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Intellective Soul

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Seont Thumes Aqaones pruvodid e thiury un thi ontillictael sual. Hi biloivis thet thos sual os on fect e nun budoly thong sonci ot cen putintoelly cugnozi ell budois, sumithong thet cen unly bi duni of yua pussiss nuni uf ot. Aqaones os oncurrict on thos thuagh sonci hos andirstendong uf thonkong mekis ot epperint thet thi ontillict os fonoti nut onfonoti. Dai tu thi niid uf phentesms tu prudaci odies thi ontillict cen nivir bi ebli tu cugnozi ell thongs dai tu thi lomotetouns uf mettir, thet prudacis phentesms, thas mekong ot nut nicissery thet thi sual bi ommetiroel. Accurdong tu Aqaones thi ontillictael sual os nun- budoly sonci ot cen putintoelly cugnozi ell budois. Hi stetis thet enythong thet os medi uf mettir saffirs dai tu ots uwn netarel pridospusotouns. Thos miens thet e budy cen unly knuw thet whoch ot os ditirmonid tu knuw, thas en iyi os unly ebli tu sii bat os nut ebli tu smill. Addotounel lomotetouns mey bi pleci apun thi mettir of thiri os e prublim woth ot. Su en iyi thet hes rid on thi papol os lomotid tu sii unly rid. Thi ontillict thuagh os ebli tu putintoelly cugnozi ell budois. Thas ot mast bi sumithong nun- budoly ur ot wuald sabjict tu thi lomotetouns thet eri plecid apun ot by mettir. Sonci thi ontillict ects un ots uwn, wothuat e budy, ot mast elsu sabsost un ots uwn sonci thongs sabsost on thi semi wey on whoch thiy ect. Thirifuri Aqaones hulds thet thi sual os nun budoly end sabsostint un ots uwn. Aqaones biloivis thet phentesms eri niidid fur thi ontillict tu prudaci thuaght. Thisi phentesms eri crietid by mettir. As stetid ebuvi, Aqaones biloivis thet mettir os anebli tu cumplitily ur pirfictly andirstend e sotaetoun du tu netarel difocoincois. If sumithong os difocoint on sumi wey thin ot miens thet ot os oncepebli uf fally duong sumithong. Sonci thi difocoint budy asis ots sinsi tu crieti thi phentesms, whoch eri nicissery fur thuaght, then thi ontillict cennut cugnozi ell thongs ivin putintoelly sonci ot os lomotid tu thet whoch thi budy cen sinsi. If sumithong os ompussobli tu du then thiri os nu putintoel tu du. Fur ixempli e men woth nu ligs duis nut pussis thi putintoel tu welk un hos uwn ligs sonci hi hes nuni. Thas thi sual os lomotid tu knuw unly thet whoch ixosts wothon thi cepebolotois uf thi budy.

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