Safeguarding Essay

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Q1 (1.1) Define the term safeguarding in relation to children and young people. Safeguarding means keeping vulnerable children and adults safe from harm and abuse. It also means to ensure that people are supported to keep well and healthy and have access to health care should they require it. Adults and children should always be supported to make the most of their lives to promote happiness and empowerment. They should also be given the support they need to get their full equal rights. “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Safeguarding is defined in Working together to safeguard children 2013 as: • protecting children from maltreatment • preventing impairment of children’s health and development • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes” ( Those working with vulnerable children and adults have a duty to ensure reasonable steps are taken to prevent harm or abuse from coming to them whilst in the work place and also in their care. …show more content…

Therefore, it important that all staff members are aware of any potential risks or dangers. If a young person must be supervised on visits or in the community, then we will facilitate this, as this contributes to keeping them safe and promotes safeguarding. Staff will then report any concerns to the relevant professionals involved with the family. Young mothers are also monitored and observed throughout the day and night to ensure the young baby is kept safe, fed, kept warm and healthy. Staff also ensure that the young mothers are aware of the local support in the area who can also offer help and advice regarding health care and support for mother and

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