STAFF Staff Scenarios

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The stay interviews calendar and sign in sheet are posted my door. I have blocked 30 minutes slots on the calendar to ensure timeliness of the meeting. Please schedule yourself according to the available slots. I will continue to update the calendar and schedule times as we further advance into completion. I’m Looking forward to spending time with each one of you and sharing ideas that will help make your career pathway successful. Also, sharing ideas and feedback that will further enhance quality of care on the unit.


The Nursing department and I would like to give a special thank you to Tania, Ashley, Angela and Shannon on making the patients experience a positive hospital stay. In addition, I would like to thank the entire nursing department on providing excellent care services to the patients during their hospital stay. The patients positive comment are rewarding.

Your Care Services Are Greatly Appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STAFF SCHEDULE The shift schedule locked on 12/30/16. All staff members are required to work weekends, unless prior arrangement has been made. I will make every attempt to accommodate scheduling requests. However, please be mindful that the schedule must be balanced to ensure …show more content…

It’s important to receive proper notification to ensure accommodation of paid time off, and meeting the staffing needs of the department. I will make every attempt to honor your vacation request. However, please be mindful of the staffing needs in the department. PTO is received to employees based upon accrual times. Vacation request is not honored to employees without PTO accrual time. In addition, the facility reserves the right to deny payment of PTO if warranted. Unexcused absences, excessive absences or no call, no show absences may be subject to nonpayment of PTO and ELB

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