Russia Invading Ukraine Vs. “Blood Done Sign My Name”

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The book, “Blood Done Sign My Name”, has a lot of parallels to the world and how the world deals with issues such as oppression, discrimination, racism, and separation. One of the situations that is happening in the world today that can relate to the situations in the book are the invasions in of the Ukraine by Russia. This has been a pretty big global issue involving Russia threatening to take over parts of the Ukraine, such as Crimea and Kiev, which Russia believes rightfully belongs to them.
To lead into both of these, I will give a quick summary of what I am comparing about the two and what the two are about as well as what they have in common. For instance, one of the biggest things about both of these situations is that even though confrontation is starting is a specific area, the intrigue and worry are starting to spread to different parts of the world. Who knows what Russia will do once they get what they want. I bet the whites were thinking the same thing about the blacks in “Blood Done Sign My Name”. (Tyson)
One of the biggest differences between the two incidences of Ukraine and the book we read would be the time periods, as well as duration of the disputes. Some say that racial injustice and oppression is still very relevant today, and of course the disagreement in the Ukraine is relevant due to the fact that it is all over the news at the moment. For the most part, black and white segregation was centered and isolated in the United States and stayed there overall. The thing about the Ukrainian struggle is that it started in Ukraine and Russia, and has stayed there, but it has a possible global ripple effect, if you will. Overall, the Ukrainian dilemma has already reached the world in terms of being aware of what i...

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... way of dealing with struggles involving a certain person or group of people who try to take away someone else’s God-given rights.

Works Cited

"US 'to React' If Russia Crosses into Ukraine." - Europe. Aljazeera, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
"'Desperate Struggle' in Ukraine: What You Need to Know about the Crisis."NBC News. NBC News, 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 01 May 2014.
Tyson, Timothy B. Blood Done Sign My Name. New York: Three Rivers, 2004. Print.
Olga Rudenko, Special for USA TODAY. "Russia Cranks out Propaganda as Militants Hang on in Ukraine." USA Today. Gannett, 30 Apr. 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.
"'Russians' Occupy Crimea Airports." BBC News. BBC News Europe, 28 Feb. 2014. Web. 01 May 2014.
Englund, Will. "Kremlin Says Crimea Is Now Officially Part of Russia after Treaty Signing, Putin Speech." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

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