Romeo And Juliet Fate, Love And Sacrifice

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Sammie Smith
Dr. Wilson
English 1302
April 9th, 2014

Fate, Love and Sacrifice
For my exploratory essay, I chose a snip-it of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The reason for this was because I have always enjoyed Romeo and Juliet’s story. I have always been intrigued by William Shakespeare’s dark and gory personality when writing. I enjoy reading his work for pleasure however, this time I have decided to dissect his pieces to further grasp the meaning behind his works. I decided to take a closer look at crucial themes specifically throughout Act V, where Romeo meets his servant on the streets of Mantua. Balthasar, his servant, has delivered terrible news to Romeo that Juliet has died. Because of this horrific news, his emotional state eventually overpowers his intelligence and reason, and therefore Romeo commits suicide. Jumping to conclusions Romeo takes his life, just as Juliet awakens. It turns out Juliet did not in fact die, but rather she was drugged. Consequently, because her love for Romeo is so immense, she kills herself for real this time. Romeo knows only fate separated the two star crossed lovers to begin with, and because of this wealth of knowledge, Romeo tries to defy fate by killing himself to be with his true love for eternity. In doing this for love, they sacrifice their life for their love. Lets take a look closer at the key elements of fate, love and sacrifice as described above.
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Fate is defined by as “the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.” In this scene Romeo feels just this. He feels as if himself is trapped by faith, and is almost unavoidable. He attempts to defy fate by killing himse...

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