Romeo And Juliet Deceptive Essay

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Romeo and Juliet is a novel that was composed by William Shakespeare. In this novel the main characters Romeo and Juliet the ‘star crossed lovers’, face many challenging moments and they eventually die due to their deceptive actions and decisions. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet take place because of their deceit. Romeo and Juliet are forced to be deceptive due to their fate and misfortune, social situation, and the deceitful guidance they received from others. Their deception and trickery leads to their deaths.
A contributing factor to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is their fate and misfortune; this is not closely linked with deception but it is a key factor to their deaths. Romeo and Juliet’s circumstances are unfortunate. Romeo and Juliet
This grudge between the two families the Capulets and the Montagues, causes the deaths of Romeo and Juliet; as the grudge forces the pair to be deceptive. Both families forced Juliet and Romeo into the inevitable situation they are in. Juliet’s father Lord Capulet forces Juliet to marry Paris who is a young man he tells Juliet to marry Paris and if not he threatens her to ‘hang, beg, starve, die in the streets’. This forced commitment urges Juliet to find a deceptive resolution to avoid the second marriage, the resolution results in death for Romeo and Juliet. The families’ grudge is a contributor to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The pair would have been accepted if they came from different families. ‘Deny thy father, and refuse thy name/....Tis but thy name that is my enemy’. Here Juliet is expressing that Romeo’s name is the only reason her love towards Romeo cannot be accepted by her family. This forces the pair to deceit their families’ and keep their relationship hidden. Romeo and Juliet die due to the deception of hiding their love from others which further leads to delusion and deceit, and their eventual death. Ultimately the feud between the families make their deception necessary and inevitable; but untimely leads to their
They receive deceptive guidance and therefore they resort to deceit as a resolution. Romeo and Juliet are deceptive due to Friar Laurence’s plans. Friar Laurence took part in their secret marriage as he believes that this alliance could ‘…Turn [their] household’s rancour to pure love’. This marriage complicates Romeo and Juliet’s relationship and they compromise that deceit is the only resolution for their complications. Juliet is later forced to marry Paris so she asks the Nurse for a resolution, the Nurse indulges her in poor guidance and reply’s saying that Juliet is ‘…better in the second match’. The nurse helps Juliet to marry Romeo then encourages Juliet to marry Paris as well as Romeo, the Nurse then dismisses Juliet when she asks for a resolution for the situation; she provides poor guidance by doing so. The nurse provides Juliet with no advice so Juliet visits the Friar whose plan needs a ‘desperate… execution’. Guidance plays a massive role in Romeo and Juliet‘s relationship, the guidance that is provided to them is poor and further complicates their situations, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet occur due to the deceptive guidance they are provided with. The guidance that Romeo and Juliet are provided with is often deceitful, inconsistent and relies on luck, therefore is it unreliable and promotes them to be deceitful. The poor guidance eventually leads to their

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