Role Of Power Currencies In The Coaching Process

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Power is based on movement. It is the ability to move ideas, people or actions. Power can also be defined as currency. Power is like currency because it enables movement of ideas, people, and actions through making connections with or influence others. Power currency is worthwhile only if the other person values it. What is valued varies from individual to individual. It is imperative a strong understanding. This paper will attempt to describe the role of power currencies in the coaching process and how an action plan and feedback aid the coaching process.
Power currencies exist in three (3) forms in organizational settings: role power, task power, and interpersonal power. Role power is defined by position. It entails having power over …show more content…

It comes from within a person. It includes the competence that comes with experience and having knowledge and skills on the job Interpersonal power is social power. It is the ability to connect with others and have power with them. Finally, Interpersonal power is social power. It is the ability to connect with others and have power with them. All three-power currencies are effective in some coaching situations and ineffective in others. It is imperative to determine which currency will be most effective for you in any given coaching situation. Ultimately, power depends on who controls the currencies that other people need. In coaching situations. In coaching situations the power dynamic …show more content…

Feedback is an excellent tool to provide employees with information and guidance. Feedback consists of two-way communication. Employee feedback provides managers with clues regarding how they are hindering or aiding their subordinates ' work performance. Supervisory feedback should inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance. Feedback increases self-awareness. Proverbs 19:20 states “Hear counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come.” If presented correctly, feedback is not positive or negative. It is just data to make someone aware of the impact of his/her skills and behaviors on

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