Marketing: The Role Of Hypermedia In Marketing

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Role of Hypermedia in Marketing
Marketing through hypermedia, such as television, radio, and social medial, is one of the most popular strategies of corporations at present. It has been proven to be effective in spreading information to consumers across all social levels. Hypermedia marketing is developed through a computerized network utilizing the World Wide Web (WWW) platform to reach out to millions of people and related business enterprises. Consumers are introduced to products marketed over this platform and depending on the quality of the marketing, may be urged to purchase the said products. One of the main objectives of any for-profit organization is to develop a marketing framework that would enable it reach all its prospective clients …show more content…

This platform can also serve as organizations’ means for enabling the flow of information within their infrastructure. This aids in carrying out organizational processes in a more timely and effective manner. When firms garner all the above-mentioned information, they can orient or modify their marketing strategies in line with the changing market scenario. This would make companies up-to-date with various key aspects for product improvement. For instance, companies can obtain reliable information on trending fashion products, their prevailing market situation in terms of prices, demand, and supply, and critical information on the performance of their competitors (Ainscough 36). Hypermedia has enabled marketers to overcome what were once expensive challenges such as reaching their desired clients real-time and through easily updatable platforms (Vesanen et al. 6). Through this technology, businesses have an opportunity to capture vital information about customers through their purchase history and preferences (Saxena 192). Because of this hypermedia, marketers are able to personalize their information in relation to the market demand (Vesanen et al. …show more content…

307). Amazon is known to be one of the largest companies to choose hypermedia as the platform for promoting and selling products. In addition, they are using other facets of hypermedia such as API deployments to stream applications and games directly from the cloud, which is an online storage system. Over-all, hypermedia adds efficiency to the business entity by providing cost-efficient strategies for selling and

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