Rode V. Wade Case Study

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Abortion is defined by Merriam-Webster as the termination of a pregnancy after accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus such as a spontaneous miscarriage, or induced expulsion of a human fetus. Abortions have been around for many years, dating all the way back to ancient times. In those times they used herbal medicines, and sharp too. Abortion has a history dating all the way back to civilizations China, Ancient Egypt, and the Roman Empire. Abortions are one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year. Even though it is performed so many times, it is still one of the most controversial procedures to date. Since being allowed by law, abortion has developed in the …show more content…

Cases like Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in 1989, Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992, but the most important one to acknowledge is Roe v. Wade in 1973. The Rode v. Wade case dealt with the right to privacy being extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion. Prior to the case, Norma McCorvey found out that she was pregnant with her third child, but at this point in her life, she was not ready to take on the responsibility of another child. The only way she could have gotten an abortion at the time is if she claimed rape, which she did try but the plan failed to be that she didn't file a police report. In 1970, Roe v. Wade reached the Supreme Court, and it took three years to come to a decision in which they agreed that the right to privacy does indeed extend to a women’s body. This court case laid the foundation for cases like Casey v. Planned Parenthood to make way, and also create history. That court case reaffirmed the fact that women have a right to an abortion until the fetus is viable or able to live outside of the womb on its own. Women have the right to get an abortion being that it pertains to their body and if that is the choice they decide to make, that is their decision. Pro-choice means giving women back the control over their body, allowing them to speak on issues that concern them, and allows them to choose what is right for them without being forced …show more content…

There are many views on what is considered right when talking about abortion, whether you are conservative and believe that abortion is wrong, or liberal and believe that no matter what women should be allowed that option, abortion should always be an option. Many factors can be considered when deciding to get an abortion, if the female was raped, the pregnancy can harm the mother, or even if she's just not ready, abortion is never something to oppress. Saying that abortions should be banned is saying that we should rewind time to 1920 when women had to fight to have rights for themselves. Abortion is not a taboo, it is a solution for many women around the world, and choosing to support Pro-Choice means you support women as a

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