Robert Khayat's The Education Of A Lifetime

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Robert Khayat wrote The Education of a Lifetime to change the public reception of the University of Mississippi, not only as a medium for higher learning, but also as a racially equal establishment. The opening chapters of Khayat’s novel chronicle his time as a student at the University. It is, however, interesting to note that he left out one very important detail about his time here as student: the segregation of the student body. Segregation was a very big part of his past, growing up in the time period that he did, which raises the question, why did he omit such a major detail from his work?
As we have discussed in class, there is oftentimes a huge line between being historically accurate and being held back by the past. I believe that Khayat omitted segregation from his book in an attempt to try to distance the University from that dark period in its history. There is no denying that desegregation is one …show more content…

The best part of this decision was that Khayat not only wanted the school evaluated, but also the symbols that went along with the school, like the Confederate flag and “Dixie”. This was a landmark decision by Khayat because it was the first time that someone not inside of the school would evaluate where the school stood publicly. The firm could provide a 100% un-biased evaluation of the University of Mississippi in regards to public perception of race relations, University symbols, and academics. While the faculty’s opinion should not be entirely overlooked, it must be remembered that much of the faculty has a lot of background in the state and, therefore, may be biased in their evaluation. An un-biased opinion, however, would pave the way for immense change to the public perception surrounding the University, and that is exactly what Chancellor Khayat used the information

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