The Importance Of Risky Play

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Risky play is an important part of children’s play and children have shown a natural desire of outdoor risky play in the early years of ages (Brussoni, Olsen, Pike & Sleet, 2012). Risky play refers to play that allows children to feel excited and may lead to physical injury (Sandseter, 2007). In the video Adventurous play-Developing a culture of risky play, the interviewer Neville had discussed risky play with five educators. By consulting from this video, this report will provide rationales which are for creating opportunities for risky play in the child care centres, explain how to achieve the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework through planning for risky play. It then attempts to analyse the observational learning in Bandura’s …show more content…

To compare against the educators’ childhood experiences, the world of children today turns to have less opportunities to free play with risks (Early Childhood Australia, 2013). Risk is generally viewed from two domains: positive for children development and negative for children’s physical health (Early Childhood Australia, 2013). Educators’ thoughtfully plan activities and environments in the centres can facilitate children to achieve the outcomes of the EYLF effectively. According to XXX, she suggests that educators can discuss risks with children, the potential risks of the activities and the risky play (Dwyer, 2016) for the purpose of building children’s senses of …show more content…

In modern Western countries, adults take the responsibility of managing children’ behaviours, activities and the environment as protecting children from significant injuries. Also, parents are likely to pay more attention to protect their children from external injuries such as traffic accidents, stranger’s dangerous, personal accidents and other factors (Wyver et al., 2010, p.264). Under these kinds of protections, children lose many opportunities for free play and lead to the increase of childhood obesity as well as inactivity health issues (Wyver et al., 2010, p. 263). Beside the protection from parents, the features in the childhood environment are less risky for children to play with. For example, some Western countries such as the United Kingdom uses the rubber playground to reduce the rates of children injuries (Wyver et al., 2010, p. 265). The surplus safety from both parents and environment minimises children’s chances and experiences of encountering risks. In some way, the surplus safety infringes children’s right of play and silences their voices on their lives. Wyver et al. (2010, p. 263) argue that the surplus safety is negative to children from both legitimate anger and child development anger. Surplus safety may not substantially build the child-friendly

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