Risky Behavior Among Youths By Jonathan Gruber

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Young People and Smoking
Tobacco use among the youth has become a rampant problem in most cities across the country due to its addictive tendencies and harmful health effects. In particular, most young adults have proven to try smoking before attaining the age of 18. Similarly, Risky Behavior among Youths: an Economic Analysis by Jonathan Gruber discusses the vices that youth engage which endangers their short term and long-term health. Therefore, it provides information about the unsafe practices and their economic impacts to their lives as well as to the state. Gruber also draws comparisons about such substance abuse and its effects on the mentality of the user. For example, he narrates the causes of school drop out rates and other psychological …show more content…

Accordingly, he analyses these risky behaviors and determines their harmful nature. In fact, he provides a great pool of data used in the structuring of public policy on the subject hence helping to dissuade people from following this trend. Additionally, the economic analysis presented also helps in rationalizing the interventions outlined thereby reducing the prevalence of smoking among the youth. Calculations are also included to evaluate the cost of making certain interventions and their contribution to the uplifting of living standards too. While the appealing drug culture seems to exhibit one’s connection with the times, it is a hazardous behavior to them since their bodies are still growing and are vulnerable to the disastrous effects (Gruber 68). Therefore, the lack of countering this habit will result in generational stagnation, as more young people will die thereby leaving older, unproductive citizens within the society. In the past, making the talk of tobacco use a taboo in order to instill fear in them has been attempted to mitigate its frequency of use. However, this tactic has failed because it made them more curious and prone to …show more content…

Madanat, Arredondo, and Ayala illustrate the changing behavioral patterns in public health in Introduction to Health Promotion & Behavioral Science in Public Health. They offer explanations to the processes of quitting smoking and the promotion of physical activities aimed at regaining a healthy lifestyle. Consequently, it outlines program-planning models that indicate risk factors associated with smoking. It also lists the research methodologies currently designed to assist victims as well as prevent adoption of the habit. As such, interpersonal, individual, and organizational effects of the habit are emphasized, as is the public health policy on the subject. Therefore, it also discuses the educational initiatives that can be adopted to ease smoking among the youth by countering the influential symbols associated with the vice. Similarly, it assesses the media content and its role in influencing young smokers. However, its narration is geared towards discouraging underage smoking by laying emphasis on the government’s duty to design and implement public health policies that boost productivity among the citizenry. By so doing, it offers insight into the process of quitting smoking. In particular, the above laws seek to make it harder for minors to access tobacco products by requiring identification and even limiting their probability of doing so

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