Right To Carry is a Social Benefit

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Right To Carry is a Social Benefit
In the past three years, the mass killings by individuals who were determined to be mentally unbalanced but without a criminal past has brought forward the discussion of gun control. The Aurora Colorado Theater, the Navy shipyard and Sandyhook Elementary school shooting are all tragedies that could have been avoided with methods other than gun control. Unfortunately, most in the time of grieve; automatically default to take the guns away. Over the years many research papers, articles and opinions on gun control have been published with great facts and statistics supporting both sides, but very few concerning the affect of the right to carry. The challenge of right to carry (RTC) or concealed carry permit (CCP) may have reduced or eliminated the ability for the mass murders mentioned prior. The benefit of the public with an increase concealed carry firearm permits provided higher knowledge in gun safety and high social cohesion over the last decade.
Carry Permits Benefits
The debate over the “real” meaning of the second amendment will continue for generations and the question remains, could an armed civilian population deter crime? James Madison wrote, “The advantage that Americans have over every other nation is that they are armed,” (Faria, FEB 2000) this could be also true for criminals or mass murders if potential to be confronted existed. Regardless, of high or low crime rates, concealed carry can provide communities with the social benefits of security and cohesion.
Gun Safety
States that have passed the right to carry a concealed weapon believe in the second Amendment, but believe with the right comes a responsibility. The laws were passed with the requirement that individuals must take...

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Agresti, J.D. & Smith, R.K. (2013) Just Facts.org. Gun Control Facts Retrieved from http://justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
Gau, J. M. (2008). A neighborhood-level analysis of concealed hand-gun permits. Policing, 31(4), 674-693. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13639510810910625
Macinnis, L. (Aug. 2007) Reuters.com. U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people. Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/08/28/us-world-firearms- idUSL2834893820070828

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