Riffle Beetle Report

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The Elmidae, most commonly known as riffle beetles, are mostly found in freshwater streams. The purpose of this lab is to determine the effect of turbidity on the abundance of riffle beetle. By testing the turbidity, the results of experiment will designate the effects of runoff from construction sites, farmhouses, logging actions, and a large amount of ground water discharge. The independent variable in this experiment is the turbidity of the water. The dependent variable of this experiment is the riffle beetles.
Wetlands are lands that consist of various swamps, marshes, bogs, and small ponds. To be considered a wetland in the first place, it must be filled with mostly trees, grasses, shrubs or moss (add citation if needed). Another requirement …show more content…

Turbidity, the independent variable, is the measure of water clarity and how much light passes through, indicating how much material suspended in the volume of water. Materials in the water can dictate the amount of light that passes through it. Particles range from 0.004 mm (clay) to 1.0 mm (sand) (add citation if needed). Wetland most likely consist of soil particles, such as clay, silt, sand, and autotrophs such as algae. With these particles suspended in solution, the color of the water is affected. When testing for turbidity; higher turbidity means more suspended particles, lower turbidity means fewer suspended particles in the water. Higher turbidity is a problem for autotrophs who uses sunlight as a source to make food in the process of photosynthesis. With higher turbidity, not as much sunlight penetrates the water, which diminishes photosynthesis and the production of dissolved oxygen. Another disadvantage to higher turbidity is that the suspended materials might be larger than the aquatic species and harm them severely. Materials can clog fish gills, which kill them and thus lowering the growth rates. The parents will be affected by this and could affect the egg and larval growth towards the future. On the other hand, lower turbidity is a worthy factor for species that thrive in the aquatic ecosystem. As turbidity is lowered, the water is much purer, thus more …show more content…

They are typically found in freshwater altogether over the world. About 1400 species that have yet to be discovered, 100 species found in North America (add citation if needed). Riffle beetles are about 1-8 mm long aquatic creatures that are most repeatedly found in fast moving streams. Others types, such as the ones in the Wetlands in Green Hope High School, are seen in slow streams or motionless water. Adult riffle beetles exist miniature, dark, and hard-bodied, with relatively long legs and tarsal talons. Riffle beetles have antennas that are slightly battered but usually slim, which distinguishes them from another species. When riffle beetles are larvae, they maximize their length up to 16 mm, however most are fewer than 8 mm. When larvae, their antennae and mouthparts are much shorter than the head. As young insects, they have a very distinct feature, the filamentous gills, which arise from the abdomen tip. The filamentous gills are used for protection and cyclic motion of inward and outward motion to increase the oxygen flow. Riffle beetles are benthic macros, who live near the bottom of an ecosystem. These aquatic creatures are found on stones, woody debris; some are found in the depositional zones of streams. The type that lives in still water, is attracted to large amounts of vegetation near it, as is found in the Green High School Wetlands. As for the larvae who are developing, they are

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