Rice Starch Essay

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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is among the most widely consumed important staple food worldwide especially in Asia. Rice flour (starch) is one of the primary and major ingredients of various food products. Starch is the major carbohydrate of rice flour. Rice starch consists of two major polysaccharides such as amylose (20-30%) and amylopectin (70-80%).Starch physical and chemical properties with unique functionalities are due to these polysaccharide(Slattery, Kavakli, & Okita, 2000). Amylose is primarily linear molecule with comprises α-1, 4 linked glucose chains and amylopectin is branched which is linearly linked by α-1, 4 linked glucose and α-1, 6 branch linkages. Changes in physico-chemical properties are due to difference in length, degree of branching of these polysaccharides. Due to its unique properties and nutritional role, usage of starch in many food applications is currently increasing. It is widely used as a thickener agent, colloidal agent, colloidal stabilizer, bulking agent and water retention agent(Singh, Kaur, & McCarthy, 2007).Sensory qualities and suitability of specific end products depends upon the …show more content…

Plasma contains energetic particles such as ions, neutrals, photons and electrons. These energetic particles are effective in modifying starch. An application of plasma then helps initiating cross linking in starch molecules (Zhang et al., 2014; Zou, Liu, & Eliasson, 2004).Starch undergoes depolymerization and Carboxylic groups on surface are formed by low pressure air glow plasma this is due to the formation of reactive species which hydrolyze the chemical bonds therefore cleaves large molecules and formation of dextrins similar to the gamma irradiation and electron beam(Lii, Liao, Stobinski, & Tomasik, 2002a, 2002b; Pimpa et al., 2007) .this might change the physico-chemical

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