Rhetorical Themes In President John F. Kennedy's Moral Speech

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President John F. Kennedy brings about a new judgment in his inaugural speech. He brings in a sense of selflessness and relentlessness for the country. He uses literary devices such as, antithesis, repetition, and rhetorical questions to bring about that sense in the audience. He begins by putting himself for the people and allows the audience to feel welcomed. The use of literary devices in his speech allows audience to recognize his goal which is moving forward and bring change and allows his audience to identify with his goal. The use of antithesis in President Kennedy’s speech reveals his desire for change, “Symbolizing and end as well as a beginning” (Kennedy 462). His contrast between end as well as a beginning marks his presidency. …show more content…

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate” (Kennedy 464). He builds a thought within the audience about being strong and talks later on about what makes people fearful and why it shouldn’t make them fearful. He explains how people should be ready to face obstacles and judgements that they put on themselves. Like being easily offended or being selfish, these circumstances cannot make people fearful. For example, now a days Americans blame immigrants for taking their jobs and for the increase in crime but if they looked past that judgement and worked with immigrants for a better place they could come up with a solution. Maybe immigrants have skills that Americans don’t have and if they work together, immigrants could share those skills with Americans and become better. He’s insistent on working together throughout his speech and the good outcomes that could come out of working together. He also asks the audience a rhetorical question, “ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country” (Kennedy 464). Again, he puts a selfless thought in the audience about forgetting judgments and obstacles and focusing on building a successful country. He brings in a sense of patriotism for the audience to feel obligated to work for a better country. Focusing on his idea of change and how change will come

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