Review of Qualitative Literature

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Review of Qualitative Literature
Qualitative methods use a different approach to scholarly research than quantitative methods. According to Creswell (2014), although similar in processes, qualitative methods rely on text and image data, have unique steps in data analysis, and draw on diverse designs in the qualitative study. There is now an increased publication of articles using qualitative methods as it became more acceptable, especially in the production of dissertations, as opposed to quantitative methods.
Because qualitative methods provide valuable insights into the local perspectives of study populations, they have become a valuable method of research. Indeed, qualitative research methods are gaining in popularity outside the traditional academic social sciences, particularly concerning studies in public health and international development research (Mack, Woodsong, MacQueen, Guest & Namey, 2005). Whereas quantitative research methods once dominated these fields, researchers have now begun drawing from a more diverse repertoire of methodologies as they tackle international public health, business, and other problems related to humankind (Mack, Woodsong, MacQueen, Guest & Namey, 2005).
One of the suggested ways to develop fluency with any research method is to review the published literature, especially peer-reviewed articles. This paper will review several peer reviewed qualitative studies, and will concentrate on the topics, the problems encountered in the study, the purpose of the study, its various research designs and the conclusions arrived at as a result of the studies. One of the best ways to summarize the key points of peer-reviewed journals is to use the method of an annotated bibliography. Knott (2012) ...

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Lamb, D. (2013). Promoting the case for using a research journal to document and reflect on the research experience. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 11(2), 84-92.
Mack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K., Guest, G., & Namey, E. (2005). Qualitative research methods: A data collector's field guide. Family Health International, Retrieved from
Marshall, b., Cardon, P., Poddar, A., & Fontenot, R. (2013). Does sample size matter in qualitative research?: a review of qualitative interviews in is research. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 54(1), 11-22.
Marshall, b., Cardon, P., Poddar, A., & Fontenot, R. (2013). Does sample size matter in qualitative research?: a review of qualitative interviews in is research. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 54(1), 11-22.

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