Revenge: Is It Justified With the Characters in the Short Story “Killings”

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Let’s examine the short story of “Killings” by Andre Dubus. The story begins on a warm August day with the burial of Matt and Ruth Fowler’s youngest son Frank. Frank was only twenty-one: “twenty-one years, eight months, and four days” (Dubus, “Killings” 107). Attending the funeral were Matt, his wife Ruth, their eldest son Steve, his wife, their middle daughter Cathleen and her husband. Frank was buried in a cemetery on a hill in Massachusetts overlooking the Merrimack. Across from the cemetery is an “apple orchard with symmetrically planted trees going up a hill” (107), a symbol of how nice and serene the cemetery actually is and the peace Frank now has. Matt’s family is extremely distraught over the murder of their youngest son/brother, so much to make comments of wanting to kill the killer themselves, “I should kill him” (107), stated the oldest son Steve, while walking from the grave site along side his father Matt. This comment is considered a fore-shadow to what is to come in the thought process of the family members.

Ruth Fowler is Matt’s wife of many years and the mother of Matt’s three children: Steve, Cathleen and the now murdered Frank. Ruth can’t come to terms with Frank’s death and is haunted at all times of the day, whether at home or out in the town shopping and running errands, “She was at Sunnyhurst today getting cigarettes and aspirin, and there he was. She can’t even go out for cigarettes and aspirin. It’s killing her” (108). This quote is a symbolism of her mental state. The anguish of just seeing her son’s killer on the streets with freedom is more than Ruth can mentally comprehend. Ruth continually applies emotional pressure to her husband with comments and allusions to why the killer is sti...

... middle of paper ... want to kill Richard Strout: however, he had to protect his family and avenge the murder of his son.

Richard Strout was taken outside of Boston by Mat and Willis in the late Fall as the leaves were beginning to change colors. He shot Richard and buried him in a shallow grave. Matt returned home to Ruth; cleaning up before joining her in bed. Ruth knew what had transpired, “Did you do it?” (118), “Are you all right?” (119). Matt knew the shallow grave would cover over with the onset of winter.

The definition of revenge: “to punish somebody who has harmed you or harmed a friend” (Revenge, web).

Works Cited

Dubus, Andre. “Killings.” In The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008. 107- 119. Print.

Revenge: Encarta Dictionary Online, English (North America), web. 22 Mar. 2010.

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