Revenge In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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The question that I will be answering is a very dark yet interesting question that can add and or take away from the story. The Crucible is very dark and talks about a very deep subject and is based on true events in history. This is a story about a girl named Abigail Williams who was caught dancing in the woods and was blamed for summoning demons with other girls. She also lost a guy that she loved named John Proctor due to him marrying a wife. She blamed her servant Tituba and she was going to be killed unless he confessed to being with the devil. She didn 't want to die so she confessed this caused all the girls to start to scream names to save themselves as well. This caused people to get prosecuted because of the girls lying due to the sense of the revenge in Abigail. People were later hung because of the girl 's selfish ways saving themselves. The title of the book I will be using as a reference from is The Crucible and the author of this book is Arthur Miller. Revenge to me in this story is very strong and crime is even stronger. Revenge in this story is how Abigail William 's wanted John Proctor back so she tries to kill Elizabeth Proctor throughout the whole story. Crime is
To her, this whole situation was Elizabeth Proctor’s fault trying to separate her from her true love. This causes her to try to kill her off the whole time which ends up in her greed for revenge to grow. This results in her being drawn away from him more and more. "Oh, I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be—" (Miller, 49). She truly does love him but she is trying to blacken his wife 's name to get him back with her. To sum this up she isn’t taking the right actions to get him back when instead she should realize that he doesn’t love her anymore and move

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