Research Paper On Schindler's List

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Schindler’s List was directed by Stephen Spielberg in 1993, Liam Neeson, Ben Kinglsey, And Ralph Fiennes were some of the top actors in this film. The film was filmed at several locations in Poland and in Jerusalem, Israel. Spielberg directed the movie to educate people on the Holocaust. He felt it was a story that needed to be told. Schindler’s List is a movie that follows the life of a Nazi by the name of Oskar Schindler in the span of 1939 to 1945, which was from the beginning of World War II to the end of the Nazi Schindler became famous by saving over 1000 Jews from death during the Holocaust. The film describes anguish and horror that The Jews encountered during this time in history. The movie also explores the …show more content…

When the Jews had to leave their things at the station, they were told by the SS soldiers that they would be sent, but instead their belongings wen to a warehouse for the SS Economics and Administrative Main Office. They would make the Jews sort through the belongings and if there was a jeweler, he would have to evaluate the value of the jewelry. It was common for the SS to confiscate the belongings of the Jewish people. There is a scene where the Jews are all packed on a train and are dying for water because of the heat. Schindle ask for permission from Goeth to call out the fire brigade, to cool down the Jews and give them water to drink. Schindler made sure that all the wagons got sprinkled and even gave the person on charge of transport liquor and meat to give them water when the train stops at a station. Goeth told Schindler that it a cruelty to give them hope while they are on their way to death. Another humiliation that he Jews had to endure that was shown to us in the move was the die Gesundheitaktion that means health action. The purpose of this health action was to make room for new Plaszow workers, so they were going to separate the old and the ill. To do this process everyone had to run around completely naked it was very

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