Adaptive Cruise Control
Siva Kumar Raju
M.Tech- Automobile Engg.
Cruise Control
.Cruise control is a system that is used to control the speed of a motor vehicle automatically. The system takes over the acceleration of the car to maintain a steady speed as preset by the driver.
Need for Cruise Control
.Reduce the risk of accidents.
.Improve safety.
.Increase capacity.
.Reduce fuel consumption.
.Enhance overall comfort and performance for drivers.
Adaptive Cruise Control
.Autonomous cruise control is an optional system for road vehicles that automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead. Agenda
.Introduction, facts, terminology, key concepts. .System Configuration
---How cruise control works- Tell me![13-30-05].JPG
ACC System Configuration
.Primary Modes
.Constant Velocity Control
.Deceleration Control
.Following Control
.Acceleration Control
Constant Velocity Control
const velocity.jpg
Deceleration Control
* Note that the primary clutch (on the left) never stops spinning, but the secondary (right) does stop spinning at idle speeds.
If I was the programmer, I would instruct the vehicle to continue on its intended path, regardless of the situation. If, after making a turn, I noticed a group of people in the road, I would hope that the car would make an effort to stop. However, I would not allow the self-driving car to swerve into a wall or a sole pedestrian. By changing the path from which the car originally intended to go, you make the car become a leader in this situation, not just a bystander. In order to make the car swerve, it would need an external factor to deviate from the original design. This decision carries responsibility as well. There is a difference between the vehicle choosing to swerve into a wall and choosing to hit the group of people. In fact, the vehicle would not be choosing to hit the group of people at all, the group was in the vehicle’s way.
The automobile’s invention revolutionized the American transportation system. It allowed people to move themselves and cargo from city-to-city and state-to-state in a much faster and efficient manner. Its numbers increased as it gained popularity and became affordable. This led to the development of road networks both within and between cities. Problems arose in the areas where roads intersected each other; accidents occurred at these intersections due to the lack in control of vehicular movements. Cities employed people to direct traffic at busy intersections to address this issue, but eventually the intersections became too numerous to control using this method. The development of automated traffic control devices attempted to solve this problem. Initially, these consisted of an alternating sign system that simply read stop and proceed. This system soon evolved into the method utilized today with red, amber, and green lights. However, this system could not force vehicles to stop when the light turned red and intersections still required monitoring by the police to enforce traffic regulations.
Vehicles are a main necessities of our life, it have been with us for quite a long period; it is time efficient, but the number of death it have caused is not easily avoided; therefore the engineers have designed vehicle safety features such as seat belts and crumple zones regarding the concepts of Newton’s Laws of Motion to help save our lives.
...and it may be helpful, but the analysis has not revealed it yet. A speed and curve warning is a different system that uses someone’s GPS. The current GPS system might offer a warning feature if someone will go over the speed limit. More significant examples of GPS based automobile technology are just around the turn. Already being tested in different countries that Europe is the built-in Intelligent Speed Adaptation, which subjects speeding alerts and can also make it harder to press further down on the accelerator or it can even automatically stop the automobile. Taking curves too careless, another common cause of accidents is also the focus of warning device research and field testing. Such a device would warn someone to slow down when a sharp curve coming before it is too late. It is another request of GPS technology that could improve the safety of the driver.
Need for Cruise Control .Reduce the risk of accidents, .Improve safety, .Increase capacity, .Reduce fuel consumption .Enhance overall comfort and performance for drivers. Adaptive Cruise Control .Autonomous cruise control is an optional cruise control system for road vehicles that automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead.
Automobiles! You just have to have one in this fast paced world! In the United States automobiles are necessary. People need to move from point A to point B. These points can be as close as a few hundred feet or even range up to a few hundred miles! When making these trips safety is a priority. There are hundreds of thousands of automobiles on the roads across the nation and if safety was not considered, thousand would be injured or even killed daily! Automobile safety has come a long way over the years and as every day goes by more and more new ways are created to keep drivers, and their passengers, safe on the road.
Richard Petty once said “You’ll got home safe, so drive safe, and stay safe.” Being a racing legend, he is an advocate for safe driving to minimise the cases of road crushes that have been on the rise. He double up as the chairman of the Veterans’ Safe Driving Initiative, the initiative is aimed at guiding the veterans returning from deployment on safe driving tips. It is necessarily important since the infrastructure has changed over time. Another initiative is being run in Minnesota where the teens are guided on the important safe driving tips. Study shows that more crushes are likely to occur in teen driving than veteran driving. It is also evident that young drivers are more likely to cause a crush within six months of passing the driving test and young male are worse than the females in the field.
Everyday, The majority of Americans commute to work or school. During your travels, Have you seen the driver that weaves in and out of traffic or the speedster? What about the driver texting, looking at their phone, reading a paper, or fooling with the radio? What about the makeup artist while they are driving? Are you guilty of being one of these type of drivers?
In a science fiction film, audiences may see a scenario that in the morning a leading actor get into a car and push a start button. Suddenly there is an intelligent personal assistant like Siri asking, “Good morning, sir, what’s your destination?” “Go to my office”, the leading actor says. The intelligent personal assistant answers, “Yes, sir!” The car engine starts automatically and the car moves forward slowly without any input of the leading actor. All cars on the roads are traveling without any human control, but every car on the roads is in order and passengers can do as they please during the transport. All the way to the office, the leading actor drinks coffee and watches the news on a big monitor. When the car reaches the office, the leading actor gets out of the car and the car parks itself.
The three-step Defensive Driving Course prevention formula is RUA. Recognize the hazard, understand the defense, and act correctly in time. The course wants the learner to be a defensive driver. What is defensive driving? Defensive driving is driving to save lives, time, and money in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. If you want to be a defensive driver you have to follow the “What If?” strategy, which means that the driver should always be aware of all the possible outcomes that might occur from a scenario. If you can analyze all the possible outcomes, you can be a safe driver and realize the danger or the safety of your actions. There are multiple factors that need to be taken into consideration when becoming a defensive driver.
Autonomous cars, they are an extraordinary move in the vehicle industry! For those who do not know what autonomous cars are, they are cars that drive themself, cars that have an autopilot feature. Autonomous cars are cars of the future, there are very few as of today. One of the first are made by the Tesla company.
of traffic management. Due to both the increase of women in the work force and
Getting a driver’s license can be the most exciting part of a teens life. But what do teens have to do beforehand in order to obtain that license? For some, it's months of training and for others, they can complete everything within a few months. But does all that training make teens better drivers? The three main reasons why more drivers education for teens is not beneficial are: restrictions for teen drivers make it harder on parents, teens have to be able to get around without their parents, and not all teens need more drivers education.
...s to make traffic more efficient. For example, the Ohio Revised Code in section 4511.21 states clearly that "No person shall operate a motor vehicle, trackless trolley, or a street car at a speed greater than reasonable or proper due regard to the traffic." Road speed limits are used to regulate the speed of vehicles. Sometimes people try to get somewhere and they go over the speed limit not realizing that they are putting themselves in danger. Now every time I get in a car with a friend or a family member, I make sure that they are going by the speed limit, not texting and paying attention on the road. It is very important that we follow this rules because they are only protecting us, and keeping us safe. If we want to reduce the millions of deaths that are caused by this imprudence every year we need to start being more responsible when we get behind the wheel.