Persuasive Essay On Wind Farms

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Hi guys. It’s Carol and today’s topic will be renewable energy, but more specifically wind energy and the sustainability of wind farms.
So what is wind energy and how do we get it?
Wind energy is a source of solar energy powered by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, irregularities of the earth’s surface and earth’s rotation⁸. Think back and remember geography from 9.
Wind energy is basically a reverse of fans⁸. Instead of using energy to produce wind, they use wind to produce energy. Awesome Right?
So many of you are probably thinking that wind farms are unsustainable and that it would be a bad idea to build one in the GTA. And I think you are all wrong.
Let me start with this. Wind power has 20, TWENTY times more potential than …show more content…

For example, endangered species and threatened habitats, protected areas, historical or archeological sites, aviation and more³. But what we hear about the most is bird and bat migration. More specifically birds getting killed by the turbines, however did you know that of the 9 major causes of bird deaths, wind turbines don’t even make the list! 14 million by vehicles, 25 by collisions with houses or buildings and 200 million by domestic and feral cats²! Who would have known! Definitely when building turbines, the factors listed before have to be taken into consideration, but the public should know that wind turbines do not have a major impact on bird …show more content…

Wind turbines cannot be built any closer than 300 meters from residential areas. And from that range, the wind turbines make as much noise as your refrigerator⁵. And is comparable to background noise. People do not complain that they cannot sleep due to the refrigerator noises⁵. Besides we live in the GTA. Constantly we are surrounded by the noise of traffic or what have you, so the turbine noise and the background noise are blended together¹. Since there is no difference in noise levels between having a wind turbine or not, it is better to have a wind turbine and try to save our environment, save the Earth. It’s the only one we have so we should take care of it. Thank you for listening to this rant.

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