Comparative Analysis: Religious Practices of Romans and Ancient Greeks

2008 Words5 Pages

vTHE RELIGION OF THE ROMANS AND THE ANCIENT GREECE The Organization of Roman Religious Beliefs by Charles King, “The Romans and Greeks lacked similar patterns of development and did not define themselves with a similar type of orthodoxy”. With the Romans, their way of worshipping and beliefs was not systemized and one did not have to take a test to prove whether him or her should be morally accepted while in Greece, “the art of Archaic and Classical Greece illustrates many mythological episodes, including an established iconography of attributes that identify each god. There were twelve principal deities in the Greek pantheon. The Roman religion was not restricted to one god but the was much more convenient for everyone to have any beliefs and practices of their choice. As stated above the Greek had twelve gods which they can go to accordingly when they are in need. Kithara who was the god of music and prophecy was one of the most important gods in Greece, the people of Greece go to him anytime they have questions about oracle. The Greek religion was most importantly about nature and honor which began in the bronze age from 3000B.C to 1050B.C. The Greeks and the Romans share one thing in common when it comes to sacrifice. The romans sacrifice was …show more content…

With the Romans, their way of worshipping and beliefs was not systemized and one did not have to take a test to prove whether him or her should be morally accepted while in Greece, “the art of Archaic and Classical Greece illustrates many mythological episodes, including an established iconography of attributes that identify each god. There were twelve principal deities in the Greek pantheon. The Roman religion was not restricted to one god but the was much more convenient for everyone to have any beliefs and practices of their

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