The Renaissance: Religion Of The Renaissance Era

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Religion of the Renaissance Era

At the beginning of the 15th century the Roman Catholic Church was an important part of the feudal system, but by the 17th century the Roman Catholic Church became less important. During the Renaissance there was a split between the Catholic Church. Church held most of the power in Europe for a very long time. The Reformation brought about change in the Catholic church and the daily lives of the people. one of the major problems that brought about the Reformation was the selling of indulgences. What are indulgences? Indulgences are pieces of paper that forgive your sins. Martin Luther writes 95 Theses which is 95 statements on why indulgences are wrong and places them on the door of the Church. This is the first act of protest against the church. Martin Luther start his own Protestant religion called Lutheran Religion. The Lutheran …show more content…

the peace of Augsburg in 1555 the leader decides the religion of the province. the southern half of the Holy Roman Empire decides to Catholic while the Northern half decides the be Lutheran. When the Renaissance came people began to want to read more because the Bible was now in the German vernacular. “In the intellectual and cultural life of Europe, this was at the same time a period of intense activity and of vigorous change. Although it is historically incorrect to interpret the humanism of the Renaissance, whether Italian or Northern, as a rejection of the essential content of Christianity, it did represent an attack on many of its received traditions. Thus the humanists attacked medieval Scholasticism both for its ignorance of classical culture and for its distortion of Christianity. They made the monks the object of ridicule for caricaturing the ethical imperatives of the New Testament, and they pointed to the contradictions between those imperatives and a great deal that was going on in the institutional life of European Christianity. In keeping with the

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