Persuasive Essay On Religion In Schools

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Religion in Public Schools

Religion: The belief in and/or worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. “The Bill of Rights applies to young people as well as adults. And what I 'm going to do right here is tell you about RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.” (Your Right To Religious Freedom, The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that people of the United States can have their own religion, or even no religion at all. Using the U.S. Constitution, this country has avoided many problems found in other countries by keeping the government out. What is this now? Going on in schools nationwide? ”There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the issue of religion in public education. What can and can 't students do. What can and can 't school officials do? Horror stories abound that describe students doing what is legally permissible, with school by stepping on to a campus a student will not lose all their rights. Students’ rights are not unlimited, however, due to the purposes of education and discipline. Schools must treat religious speech by students the same as non-religious speech by students. Students may pray, discuss their faith, read their bibles, and some other religious activities during free times as longs as they are not disrupting the school days or disturbing other students.
“Express their religious beliefs in school assignments. Students may express their religious beliefs, discuss religious figures, and draw religious artwork in school assignments without being penalized or rewarded on the basis of their religious content or viewpoint. The student’s work will be judged by ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance to the course curriculum or requirements of the assignment or coursework.”

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