Reliability of a Narrator in Literature

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Stories are often told by a narrator giving his/her point of view, by using

omniscient, limited omniscient, or first person. The purpose of the narrator is to give facts

and details, being reliable or not. Three stories we have read in class are "The Body," by

Stephen King, "Defender of the Faith," by Philip Roth, and "Everyday Use," by Alice

Walker; which give examples of a reliable narrator. Each narrator was a reliable source

of information, and told his/her story well.

Stephen King's. "The Body," was an excellent representation of first person point

of view narration. The main protagonist, Gordie, was not only the narrator but a major

character. Gordie told the story as an adult looking back on his childhood experiences.

He may not have remembered exactly what was said at the time, but he knew enough

information to relay an honest recollection. The reliability of a story's narrator depends

upon whether or not the reader can trust the information of the narrator. For example, "I

became acutely aware of all the noises inside me and outside me, like some crazy

orchestra tuning up to play. The steady thump of my heart, the bloodbeat in my ears like

a drum being played with brushes..." (King 358). I felt that these sentences made Gordie

more believable, because he acted more mature than the others. His thoughts ran deeper

than most twelve year olds, but it was believable. King had written this story with

stereotypical adolescent characters, but they ended up being less than ordinary. As the

narrator, Gordie gave his own feelings as well as giving the views of the other three. For

example, "Teddy's head shook without definition, unsure if this was true. Someone had

redefined his pain, and redef...

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...quilts! she said. "She'd probably be

backward enough to put them to everyday use" (Arp 96). The narrators reliability is

shown throughout the story by relating her situation to a broad group. Most of us have

experienced similar events, making it easy to trust the narrator.

The reliability of a narrator is what most readers depend on to make a good story.

The main focus of the narrator is to make the readers become involved in the story. The

reader should be able to step into the shoes of one of the characters. In the stories listed

above, one can conclude that narration is key to having a successful story.


Works Cited

Arp, Thomas R. (1998). Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. New York:

Harcourt Brace and Company.

King, Stephen. (1982). Different Seasons. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.

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