Reinforcement 1: A Case Study Of Baseline Ines

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a. Child Supervision- supervising the children’s activity in the home. This can include homework, playing outside, on the computer or during adaptive activities such as toilet training and bathing,

Baseline Skill Level: Parent data taken from Samuel’s sessions reflect that Ines participates in session 20% of the time when prompted. Sessions with Samuel include toilet training, playing and sharing with sisters outside.

b. Positive Reinforcement-Reinforcing the children when engaging in appropriate behavior such as following instructions and sharing. Reinforcement can include, but not limited to token systems, edible reinforcers and social praise. Baseline Skill Level: Parent data taken from Samuel’s session reflect that Ines uses positive reinforcement 10% of opportunities. It has been observed …show more content…

She is often cooking, watching television, folding clothes all at once and taking breaks in between.

b. Budgeting: Creating a list of items needed for home, finding reasonable prices and creating a budget to fit those needs. Additionally, making sure to budget out a reasonable amount for personal spending.
Baseline Skill Level: Ines budgets money for home needs and personal spending 0% of opportunities. Usually, Ines shops with her husband or in-laws. Currently, she does not work or have her own bank account.
4. Other
a. Community Access: Accessing public transportation (as needed), appropriate community groups (mommy groups), or other community groups that support Ines and her family.

Baseline Skill Level: Ines accesses community groups and/or public transportation as needed 0% of opportunities. Ines stays home and has expressed the desire to join community groups to have other people to talk to. Also, she states that if there is an emergency, since she can’t drive, she would like to learn either how to drive or take public

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