ISO9001 Audit Process: A Reflective Evaluation Of The Audit Process

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A reflective evaluation of the ISO9001 audit process:

What happened at key points of the process? 15
I was asked to undertake an internal ISO9001 (2000) quality management audit for Company X, as a result of negative feedback from their customer. I worked with two qualified ISO9001 auditors, and was responsible for leading the team. Using the sections of the ISO9001 standard, we initially reviewed our individual strengths (we did not know each other previously), and organised a timetable of visits within the organisation for each auditor that took account of our knowledge and skills. We asked staff to be available at the scheduled times for us to interview them, and arranged access to their documents and on-line data. We had two …show more content…

Instead of ‘are you doing what the document says?’, we were concerned with establishing whether the process helps to achieve Company X’s stated objectives. We wanted to evaluate whether there were ways to improve. This approach leads to a less confrontational audit, since you can genuinely focus on finding out what problems individuals face in doing their job well, and to help to remove those obstacles.

Experience as an auditor enabled me to find out necessary information, whether the interviewee was cooperative or not, but this problem reflected a reliance on more old style quality assessment in Company X, which, in my experience, frequently was seen as an attempt to blame individuals or point out they were doing something wrong. This naturally leads to some defensiveness and resistance to the audit process. Reflection confirms that the ISO standard is vital to provide clear guidance for the audit, but does not guarantee that an organisation will be performing …show more content…

3 Arrange for other auditors to have access to key documents, if time or security constraints

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