Reflective Essay On Spirituality And Religion

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As the sun beamed down on the jaded grass in front of Solomon 's Temple Church of God in Christ, I ran along the cracked concrete with my siblings to see who could make it inside the doors first. Once inside I sit respectfully in front of my great aunt and listen to her read the day’s bible lesson from a paperback workbook that had a new picture on the front each month. Excited, I’d quietly wait until we were all called up in the front of the church to present whatever watered down version of a bible story we’d learned that day. I’d stand up in front and proudly instruct everyone (I was the teacher 's assistant). After Sunday school was over, I’d rush to collect all the workbooks for my great-grandfather, the pastor of the church, and he would give me five dollars every time. When service would commence, I’d usually fall asleep and wake up later to jam out to …show more content…

By this point I had become resistant to it completely; I refuted any sense of spirituality or religion, because it felt more like a routine and habitual experience, rather than an omniscient and ambient experience. Although when I’d stay with some of my friends there would be time where they would follow the same religious rituals as my family, but there was a sense that it wasn’t their “end all be all”, it was just a tie that held the family together. With other friends religion was completely obscured from their routine and did not affect them at all. But the one that resonated with me the most was my best friend. At her house they weren’t necessarily religious or followed any specific religion but they were very spiritual. They believed that there was this aura that surrounded everything and that spirituality wasn 't necessarily whatever faith you followed but more so whatever ties you to the earth and

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