Reflective Essay: Advanced Placement English Class

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As I shoved my notebook into my backpack, I heard my writing fellow murmur something about an essay. I wasn’t worried. After taking every Advanced Placement English class my high school offered, I felt equipped to handle a simple essay until received Dr. Carver’s email with the prompt and instructions. I blinked at the screen and rubbed my eyes; thinking I had misread the message, I read it again. I was supposed to have the essay finished in approximately 42 hours, but I had never written a decent essay in less than four days. I was in a state of panic; all of my ideas had evacuated my imagination leaving me with a painful case of writer’s block. To me, most of good writing is good editing and proper editing requires having a window to forget your writing before returning to it: a window that 42 hours just couldn’t provide. By Tuesday, I was in full panic mode since I still couldn’t find the words to introduce myself on paper, so I decided to use my favorite trick for curing writer’s block: loud music. I sat at my desk and blasted my favorite tunes until the reverberations of the sound waves numbed my mind and reinvigorated my imagination. That’s when inspiration struck. I recalled a teacher referring to me as a veritable machine so turned the comparison into my essay, …show more content…

They invite students to alter their voice or imitate a particular style they find interesting. They show their students the beauty and joy in writing. They praise students for their successes and comfort students during their failures. They force students to seek out the unbridled joy of finding the perfect idea. They encourage their students to take risks, to break conventions, to add passion to their writing, and to play with rhetoric. They do this because even if the student’s experiment fails, the student will have learned the value of a dynamic writing style. They teach students to love

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