Reflective Account

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This report will reflect upon the theories, strategies and skills learnt through this module on personal development. It will also explore how these learning outcomes can help to improve working elements and understand others better. This module was about the social and emotional aspects of teaching and learning. We started from understanding the meaning of social and emotional development and others aspects of it and leading to more complex topics like self-awareness, the impact ones social and emotions output, the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication. We looked into various counselling theories and approaches which are useful for our personal life as well as professional life.

To better understand a person's socio and emotion characteristics, it is important to know how was their first relationship. First relationship start with our family, parents are children's first teachers they learn the basics from them (appendix a, Journal 1). Bowlby's attachment theory explains the types of attachment, he states that early year experiences of attachment will influence children's capacity to build attachment later in life. His theory also mentioned that maternal deprivation can affect children's development in long-terms. As parents are children's first counter parts they have great influence on them especially their parenting styles. According to Baumrind's parenting styles children's behaviors are the reflection of how parents treat them. I believe that it is important to have a balance when we are dealing with children, I noticed that my parents are more of authoritative which gives me the freedom to enjoy my life yet the idea of working towards my goals. To have a good and stable social and emotional development a funct...

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...reflect the learning outcomes related to my personal and professional life. It showed that social and emotional aspects are influenced by our interaction with family and environment. Children need a secure and safe attachment during early years to avoid social barriers later in life. As children are growing they spend more time in school therefore an appropriate and enjoyable environment is necessary. When faced with classroom management and behaviors teachers should encourage and help children when needed. There are numerous techniques and skill to help teachers manage challenging behaviors. Counselling approaches are useful in order to have a better understanding of why a child behaves in a certain manner, teacher can use it to help children and their family. The learning outcomes are practical as I am able to incorporate them in my personal and professional life.

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