Reflection and refraction

526 Words2 Pages

Will the future of optics still be based on mirrors, prisms and lenses? To investigate this question some background information on the key concepts of light, reflection and refraction will be covered first. Light is defined as electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength. Light is also known as luminous energy or radiant energy. The speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s and is always constant. Electromagnetic radiation involves electromagnetic waves, radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray. Electromagnetic radiation can travel through empty space unlike other waves that can only travel through substances such as solids, gases or liquids. Waves are measured in crests or troughs (see figure 1) the formula for the wavelength frequency relationship is c=f λ. Amplitude and wave frequency are both very important for reading and understanding waves. Amplitude measures the intensity of the wave by measuring the height of the wave, measuring the maximum vertical displaceme...

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