Enhancing Academic Skills: A Personal Journey

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Four skills that I have improved during the class are my time management, note-taking, reading, and test-taking and related skills.
Within time management, I have learned how to effectively manage my time. Making schedules and prioritizing can help divide my time up into parts. This allows me to see how much time I have and how much of it is spent doing a task. For example, I learned that my leisure time was a surprisingly large number. Now I put more time into studying and schoolwork instead of going on my phone or playing games. This increases my efficiency levels because I am able to finish my assignments on time. I have also gotten rid of my procrastination with the realization that I could complete an assignment early and not have to …show more content…

I have learned about the ways to predict test questions and how to answer a test based on the type/format of questions being asked. Being able to predict test questions has improved my test results and designed various learning strategies. I now ask my teacher about the nature of the test and look for possible test questions in notes, graded materials, and during class. For example, if the teacher repeats a concept several times, then it will most likely appear on the test. There are also different types/formats of questions, such as multiple-choice, essay, and matching tests. I have learned several tips for each of the question types which helps to improve my comprehension of what the question is asking. This gives me a likelier chance of getting the answer correct due to the fact that I know what it’s asking and how to answer that type of question. In college, this will benefit me due to the large number of tests given. Knowing what questions will appear on the test and how to answer them can greatly increase your test results. There will also be national tests such as the MCAT and the USMLE. In the work field, I will be assessed regularly in which they evaluate my performance and test my knowledge. Using these skills can help me perform better on assessments and

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