Reflection Paper On Seclusion

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Seclusion is a clinical intervention used in mental health inpatient settings that focuses on the management of violent and aggressive behavior when that behavior compromises the safety of the consumer, co consumer, visitors and staff. The reason for selecting this topic is that being an enrolled nurse in an acute mental health inpatient unit for the past 7 years, I have found myself in the situation where I have been a participant in placing a patient in seclusion on numerous occasions and I have conflicting views as to its appropriateness. This paper will clarify the practice of seclusion, its impact on patient's mental health, interventions during seclusion and another possibility to seclusion. According to the Australian Mental Health …show more content…

Some mental health staff defend seclusion as an acceptable way to manage destructive or violent behavior, with others believing it to be counter constructive and not desirable. Since, seclusion is a matter conflicting between patient's rights and safety, this issue becomes one of great concern for mental health professionals. If seclusion becomes necessary, then it is important that throughout the seclusion the patient receives a high level of nursing care in a way which maintains their …show more content…

Patients may also have physical needs that should be considered when using these interventions. It is important that patients are treated in a fair and non-judgmental manner irrespective of culture, gender, diagnosis, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religious / spiritual beliefs Mental health nurses are skilled at using therapeutic communication techniques. They use different forms of communication with patients to help them either heal or cope with their mental state. Giving recognition, being available and accepting, offering encouragement, verbalising observations, restating what the patient has said, seeking clarification, putting feelings of the patient into words, and many other therapeutic techniques are used when communicating with a patient. Giving verbal instructions, guidance and reassurance to mental health patients is essential for nurses. Teaching patients how to cope with their mental disorders helps them feel more empowered and in control, in a situation where they have very little control over their

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