Reflection On Corporate Social Responsibility

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My reflection for this week on the Key Performance Indicators book by Bernard Marr. Sections five talks about employee perspective and section six is on corporate & social responsibility perspectives. I would have never thought of using key performance indicators to measure employee perspectives. I learned this is used more by the human resources managers that have a big responsibility to asses and evaluate the employees hired for their companies. The main goal for any company is to hire employees that will have a high return on investment. What I understand from the assigned reading is that a company must develop a strategic compensation management system that will help them answer very important questions. One is “what must the company …show more content…

Many companies have realized that is not only important to make money, but to give back to society and to take care of our environment. It is about building CSR by respecting the environment, inspiring wellness, and positively impacting people into everything they do. It is about caring for their stakeholder sand focusing on efforts on ensuring that they do the right things in the right way to benefit both their stakeholders and shareholders. For example, a company can implement a global energy reduction program which can help reduce energy consumptions by ten percent, as well as similar water reduction programs. Other CSRs that can be measure are saving levels due to conservation and improvement efforts. Waste reduction rate is another very popular KPI being measure by many companies. This program is aimed to reduce the waste they produce. Every business is aiming to cut costs and reduce the impact of its business activities on the environment. Collecting data on the savings generated by conservation and improvement projects will give businesses an insight into the effectiveness of these project and programs. (Marr,

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