Reflection On My Communication Style

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The topic of last week’s class made me reflect about my communication style. I consider myself a passive aggressive because it depends on the situation how I react to people. Growing up, I was more aggressive especially with my family. The aggressiveness in me reacts saying harmful stuff to people I care about and when I release the anger I regret the words I said. I remember many situations where I threw things because I was really mad and then regretted breaking the stuff I did. Furthermore I was the person that slams the doors or bangs on them. My passiveness shows up its people that I am not that comfortable with for example, friends and strangers. I don’t know how they will react so I am passive with those people. I guess I have less patience with my siblings and parents. Amongst my siblings I have noticed I am more aggressive with them then other people. But there’s an exception if they really get in my nerves, which is hard to get to that point, they will really get to know who I am. I may be quiet and seem nice but people don’t want to know me mad, I will get people back worse. I have that some times I could be a sneaky person. …show more content…

And I do admit it was the truth, because I would get mad for every thing my parents would say to me. Since I have grown, I noticed that I am calmer; I don’t get mad as easily as before. When I get anger at something I try to get calm first by taking some deep breaths. I have realized that some things are just not worth getting frustrated or mad about. When it comes to being stressed out I am more passive I don’t really like showing that I am stressing out. It depends on the situation whether the passive or aggressive side of me comes

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