Reflection On Moody Distant Learning

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Introduction When I first started Moody Distant learning, I really did not know how I would do, or how I would be able to learn/ keep up with the work. I was a little nervous. I did not know what to expect due to the fact this was my first full time online studies. But in all in the hard work, long readings, and numerous papers I think I have done well and have learned more than I have expected about myself. Through out this whole quarter I have learned so much about myself and the different styles of learning. Foundations of learning helped me discovery my personality type, learning styles, and how to incorporate them all in a Christian matter. Not only am I able to get an amazing education, but I am also able to obtain experience …show more content…

Like I said previously, I am a people person and I learn better in a classroom setting, but in this case there were no face to face interaction. Most of my learning was either researching and reading, which is not my strong point, but through out this quarter I actually enjoyed reading the books we were required to read. I have learned through out this course that it is very important to learn all four types of learning styles. I Prefer to learn socially within a group of people and by trial and error until I learn the proper way of doing things, but I also like observation and cognitively but they are not my strong points. This quarter and probably through out my degree if I stay in this distant learning program I will be reading a lot, and I do not mind that. Even though reading is not my best learning style, but I must learn how to do it if I want to be successful in this degree. In life we are going to have use all four of these styles of learning( Courage and Calling Chap 9). Not only have I pushed my boundaries by expanding my learning styles. By forcing myself to read and writing more, I have been prone to like reading and writing more often. I have also learned how to look a situations in a different perspective and some sort of manage my time better. Because in the end we all must be able to be flexible and balance our time our properly,But how do we incorporate these different learning styles into our …show more content…

Especially since there are so many different types of people. We do not all learn the same, some might be more hands on then others, while some might only be able to learn by reading. From what I have gotten from this class is to try to learn all styles of learning, so we can all relate to people. Being able to understand, help, and relate to people is the best way to evangelize. We must learn ourselves. Once we understand ourselves we will be able to understand others and provide helpful advise to them as well, but we must also learn all the different personalities and learning styles so we can also understand the views of other people, because we will come in contact with all these people in our work lives, church lives, home lives, and in our daily

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