Reflection On Identity And Culture

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Introduction In Canada we are lucky to have so many diverse ethnicities that bring their own customs, values and beliefs. My family settled in Canada in the 1700’s and 1800’s from Europe, bringing their knowledge of farming to the East Coast. Since then Canada has changed a lot but one thing in my family has not. Our identity. From talking with my family we consider ourselves Canadian, and we are very patriotic and believe in putting our country first, many family members on both sides of my family have been in the Royal Canadian Military, or have been Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Identity “or self-definition (is) a separate individual in terms of roles, attitudes, beliefs, and values” (Gardiner & Kosmitzki, 2011, p. 75). Everyone has a different identity and it is important to work together to appreciate one another’s diversity. Historically Canada has fallen short on respecting Aboriginal people’s identity as a whole. This has been done in many ways including residential schools, banning different cultural ceremonies and pushing ‘white culture’ onto them. To move forward and work in a healthy way with Aboriginal people one must understand Indigenous ethnic background and how they relate to other ethnicities. My Ethnicity and Culture On both …show more content…

While what Canada has done the Aboriginal peoples of Canada is dreadful and I feel shame that it happened and frustrated with how the government then and recently has handled it I myself am not responsible. Going forward I want to walk with Aboriginal communities and help communities heal and help Canada figure out a way to move forward in a healthy way. This does not necessarily mean being an ally, but being a friend and a partner on the journey of

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