Impact of Role Play on Understanding Cultural Competence

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1. Of all in class group role plays (other than your own), which one impacted you the most in terms of increasing your understanding of cultural competence in that sitting or for that population? Why? What are at least three of main points/issues presented and how specifically will these directly affect your delivery of human services?
I chose group role play for Ashley, Ebony and Trisha because this is directly related to my major. Because I will be a teacher and I will dealing with different people some of different country, some of different background or some of different religious backgrounds. This role play helped me to know some good and healthy ways to work with students who have some mental issues or even students who have some bad behaviors that causes them in the certain way. After watching this role play I did some research about autism and how to deal with child who has autism. Now I have a larger understanding about autism and working with parents in general, sometimes as a teacher I have to educate parents or educate some people around me.
First pint is to prepare me what kind of reaction could occurs from the parents that depends on what …show more content…

I knew before that marijuana is bad and I didn 't think some other cultures uses on their daily bases. I also learned a lot more about Jamaica 's background information and how did they start the marijuana addiction. Which shocked me more that they knew it was bad but they still did it. Marijuana could kill brain cells which is the worst part of it. The main point is if anyone is dealing with a marijuana addicted first they should tell them that there a lot of people that cares about them and then tell them about how bad it is. My role to do is to be open about this conversation with my kids so they don 't end up doing it behind my back so if they ever want to know how bad it is I could be the best sources they

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