Reflection Of A Ethical Dilemma

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Week Three Reflection

1. What are the most difficult ethical dilemmas you face?
Interning at Family Abuse Services, the most difficult ethical dilemmas working in the domestic violence field have to do with confidentiality and mandated reporting. Respecting clients’ confidentiality can sometimes create tension between the ethical desire to keep certain information confidential and the legal requirements as a social worker to report child abuse or domestic violence. When working with domestic violence victims releasing client information due to the mandated reporting law verses putting clients in more danger because of making a mandated report becomes the issue. For example, upholding the safety and well-being of clients who need shelter while still empowering them to do what is best for them is not always possible. There are many ethical dilemmas that come with not being able to find a domestic violence client, who is in imminent danger, safe shelter.
For instance, when …show more content…

Legal dilemmas in the domestic violence field include helping undocumented immigrant victims find shelter; gender inequality for same sex couples not living together; and situations that become worse and clients no longer want the police involved, but was to receive support from a domestic violence agency. Focusing on what I have personally experienced in the field as an intern is the legal dilemma where a domestic violence situation has become worse and the client no longer wanted police involvement. An example would be an isolated situation where an abuser had his relatives to call and harass, and threaten to kill the victim’s entire family if the authorities were involved any longer. The client wished to continue receiving support from the agency after that, but did not want the authorities to be involved any longer or she would no longer return for

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