Exploring Academic Success: A Sophomore's Perspective

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Being a sophomore student as California State University Fullerton in CNSM 100 has been peculiar to this very day. In the first week of the course, I thought that this class was going to be completely tedious since it is geared towards freshman. I however, was proven wrong. This class has allowed me to grow more as a lifelong learner and a student by providing me different methods to measure myself as a learner. Additionally, this class instructed me many ways that I can improve my organization and time management with my courses that was reinforced with a knowledgeable peer mentor. Overall, I will discuss how this course provided me with three critical areas for my success academically and beyond. The completion of the ELLI profile allowed me to identify my strengths and weakness in my learning abilities. The survey infers that my major strength is in changing and learning, and meaning making. This presumes that I am willing to adapt to different methods to learn different activities and subjects. For an instance, in the beginning of the semester I try out as many approaches to study for the first test in …show more content…

Setting tangible goals is very important academically and non academically, since it allows me to aim for the best that I can without disappointing myself. I have also learned to improve my time management by keeping track of what I do with my time to avoid spending excessive time procrastinating with other activities. Additionally, I have discovered better methods of balancing heavy loads of homework and study times for exams/quizzes, which can rollover to balancing workloads in the professional world. Last but not least, I have learned about the areas that I need to improve on being a better life long learner that could help me become more become more life educated

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