Redfern Now Essay

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It is in gaining a sense of our identity that we find a place to belong. This is presented in Episode 4, Stand Up, of the television series Redfern Now, directed by Rachael Perkins. On Joel’s first day his parents accompanies him to the front of the school where they take a photo. This is shown by the close up shot imitating a portrait. The photo is taken at a time when Joel feels comfortable and accepted in his family, reinforced by Joel’s father’s words “Joely I’m proud of you, alright.” Throughout the episode we see the tension build in the family. Joel’s mother would rather conform to the school and their policies even if it didn’t fit into the indigenous culture whereas Joel’s father is a force pushing Joel in the opposite direction. The pressure that Joel is put under from his father instilling his values onto him “I have never stood up for that song, not even in the state of origin” is shown in the scene where Joel goes home to do the homework set for him, learning the National Anthem. When Joel’s father Eddie reads a sentence of the Anthem “For those who’ve come across the s...

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