“Redemption” Mission Project

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There are 3 stages to each year of this “Redemption” mission project, which GOC has already committed itself to implement over the next 5 years. The First stage: of this “Redemption” mission project, will be our mobile medical (MASH) field units. This first stage is given our highest priority and will be directed toward the village families and children of the young and old who live in extreme poverty by and around these waterways that run throughout the province of the Borg local government outside capital city of New-Bussa. Our medical team primary objective is to eradication this illness referred to as river blindness from the people of the Borgu local government, its villages along the waterway and throughout this province. The Second stage: of each year of our 5 year mission will focus on GOC, construction and innovation phase to help motivate and jump start the Borg local government economy. The Third stage: will be our facts finding mission . This stage is extremely important to GOC, “Redemption” mission project. For the collection of these vital medical and non-medical information will eventually be use toward creating and building a in house database to support all our finding . In turn GOC will use its finding to improve our medical services and innovation project. This vital information will help GOC in its research and its development of new ideas to improve our future mission success here in New-Bussa. And in the near future GOC, will be able to share the result with the Borg local government to help create a cense program of its people, its villages and specially help this government strengthen the Borgu healthcare system. Note: GOC will be prepare in the near future to share and inte... ... middle of paper ... ...d old who live by the waterways outside the capital city of New-Bussa . Second Stage: is our construction project of a healthcare clinic on the out shirt of New-Bussa, and mosquito nets. This project is like all other project GOC has on its table that is base upon cost and planning. Our emphasis will be on the cost of construction, architectural design, electrical and plumbing, septic system, medical and pharmaceutical supply, telecommunication and technology innovation, security, material and labor will all be consider, before any decision will be made toward moving forward. This is and will be GOC, #2 priority beside our fight toward eliminating river blindness from this area. Note: GOC, plans to employ some local labor in all of our construction project phases here in New-Bussa so that we may help jump start the Borgu local government economy.

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