Reasons Why Bullies Target Their Victims

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The Bully Brady abfalter When it comes to reasons why bullies target their victims there are several causes, but one stands out. Bullying is a harsh way to become more popular. But in fact a lot of bullies don't become popular because they torment their victims and they just wreck someone's life. The consequences are countless.
For many different reasons a bully will target a victim. Bullies usually come from families who are dysfunctional. Believe it or not some bullies are even bullied at home. In fact they can be bullied by an older sibling and they might witness their own parents aggressive actions. Experts believe that this type of behavior comes from lack of attention at home. Bullies tend to be biased and pick on the minority. Sometimes bullies appearance isn't very attractive. They often feel sorry for themselves because they disappointed with the clothes they have so they pick on a kid who has nice trendy expensive clothes. Some bullies see other people bullying and they think they have to join in on the “fun”. Even though these actions are inappropriate it helps them feel “fit in” and part be part of the clique. Bullies tend to be jealous of their victims. Bullies feel it's important to have a high status …show more content…

For the rest of the victim's life, depression can affect the body and the mind. Victims of bullying will also go to the extreme of committing suicide. Every year, 4400 lives are lost to suicide. Bullying alienates kids to the point that they do not eat the same. They end up getting overweight or underweight which is very unhealthy. Believe it or not,evidence shows some victims grow up to be scarred for life. According to a new study,people bullied as kids are mentally inadequate as adults. Students who are bullied feel disconnected from school,have lower attendance and completion rates. Sometimes their grades drop to the point that they can be expelled from

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