Reading Response

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In the article “ The fuel subsidy crisis has woken Nigerians up”, by Tolun Orgunlesi was profoundly characterised by the alarming issue that the citizens from Nigeria are confronting with the withdraw of fuel price subsidy which subsequently has led fuel price to increase more than double, consequently, provoking the price of goods and commodities to rise dramatically. In addition, the author focused immensely in the sentiment of corruption and mismanagement that Nigerians are feeling with this awaken call which proclaims for every Nigerian to pay particular attention to the government entities and their fictitious promises. Furthermore, several rationale points were addressed by the author in respect to the negative impact of such dramatic resolution. Yet, I consider the article seemed to have taken only one side and pros and cons were not properly disputed.

The tone illustrated by the author was objective and solemn. Yet, it illustrates a personal tone in which the author clearly is hoping to inspire the readers in emphasizing the tense and corruptive atmosphere occurring presently in Nigeria. Moreover, he expressed his disapproval of the president throughout the entire article. Specially, in the way the author initiated his article by refreshing the audience’s mind towards the initial presidential political campaign in which was clearly not stated by his entity the removal of subsidy. In addition, the author states some very redoubtably sentences reflecting what he believes are the feelings of the President behind this removal which has provoked huge cataclysm in the country. These sentences include , “eager to ensure that as many Nigerians as possible study with lanterns and survive on a single meal a day” (Ogulensi, 2012). T...

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...and uncapacity to refine oil and the shocking figures of the poverty population are a result of poor government management and misallocation of the countries’ resources. Perhaps, as the author agrees the removal of this subsidy has been place during a hard time and should have been reconsidered to provide the necessary education about the implications of this removal to the people of Nigeria. Nevertheless, as the author states the president Jonathan ought to “earn our trust with the trillions you already have in your possession, then we can, and will, wholeheartedly hand over this subsidy trillion to you”(Ogulensi, 2012). Therefore, the government needs to analyze other measures necessary to specialize in exporting oils, the provision of sustainable electricity and in overall increase the living of standards of Nigeria to gain the trust of the citizens of Nigeria.

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