Reader Response Criticism In The Play 'Proof'

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Reader Response Criticism is focused more on the audience and their personal connection with the play, poem, story or movie. It focuses more on what the author is trying to say to his/her audience to feel connect to what they are reading. Within the play “Proof” there is a lot of 101 family connections that I relate to and I’m sure anyone who reads this would relate to it as well. Varying from the eyes of a parent to a lover and a teen/student. One illustration that I felt connected is that the play is easy to understand coming from the point of a teen to another adult-teen. Catherine is a very intelligent human, has a crush on a guy and doesn’t want to admit she is going a bit crazy. Being stressed out about taking care of her dad while trying to have a normal life outside. The entire situation about her older sister Claire wanting for her to move to New York. “Stay with us for a while… Chicago is dead. New York is so much fun, you can’t believe it. The “fun” thing is really not where my focus is at the moment” (Auburn 1199). I had to go through this movement of change, from the idea being brought up to the actual move in day. I was raised in Lawrence and Pulaski Chicago, IL until I was in …show more content…

He had his doubts towards me and all I wanted was to take advantage of this opportunity as the first generation in my family to go to college. He was more worried about it financially and being so far from home. Coming in as a freshman I did not know what to do but I proved to him and my family that I can take responsibility of my own actions and I did. I found a job the second month of school and have been working there ever since. I proved to him that I have great time management and organizational skills. I have been given scholarship awards because of my academics and involvement in my community. I proved to him that he raised me right and that I can live on my own as an

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