Rates of Reaction

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Rates of Reaction



To measure the rates of reaction three variables were used. Firstly, a

basic experiment was set up this was a delivery tube connecting a test

tube filled with water in a bowl of water to a flask with calcium

carbonate with a solution of hydrochloric acid. Various sizes of

calcium carbonate was used (large, medium and powered particles) each

variable was tested 4 times. As the particles and acid were mixed

together the time was recorded to see how long the mass (test tube of

water) took to decrease. The time was recorded at every 2cm³ interval.

The results collected were the seconds the mass decreased to 2cm³,

4cm³, 6cm³ 8cm³ and 10cm³. The different particles are varied to show

if the surface area has an effect on the rate the reaction.

The second variable was the concentration of the acid. The same

experiment was carried out but this time the practical used different

molars of the acid (2molar, 1 molar and 0.5molar). As the same size

particles were added each time a different molars of acid was added

with the particles. The time was recorded at each 2cm³ interval.

Several experiments were carried out using different molars to compare

the results. Varying the concentrations helps to prove a higher molar

of acid reacts faster.

The third variable was temperature this was completed in the same way.

Before the acid was mixed with the calcium carbonate the acid was

heated up at different temperatures using a bunsen burner. The three

different temperatures the acid was heated at were 25ºc (room temp),

35ºc and 45ºc. The results collected were the times recorded each time

the mass decreased every 2cm³ intervals. The temperatures will change

because differences in temperatures will show if the rate of the

reactions increases or decrease.


Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid à Calcium chloride + Carbon

dioxide+ water


Calcium carbonate particles - (larger, medium and powder)

Hydrochloric Acid - (2m, 1m, 0.

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